Wednesday, October 29, 2008

7:51 PM

too exposed.
I guess everyone has to understand that the online persona is/ might be different from the real life persona.

people might try to achieve their "ideal personality" in the cyber world,
perhaps because they can't be in the cool gang in real life.
people even try to make it such that their real life personality becomes close to their online personality.

i think alot of teens are looking up to a totally messed up online personality,
such that they try to change their real life personality to suit in the trend of the online personality, so they can be part of the "cool gang"

totally messed up man.
Blogs kind of give us a perception of how coolness should be.
i think humans nowadays are exposed to too much they can bear,
such that some people cannot cope with what they are expected to become,
or expect themselves to become,
and become so inferior that they jump off the building.

just remember,
being exposed to alot just means that you have to have the ability to differentiate
what is important to yourself and the people around you.
most importantly, feel good yourself.

yeah i feel good! :D

oh btw, i think the term "over exposed andersonians", invented by mr ang,
is like superbly funnyshit. like we are apples exposed to air.

I blog but you don't have to understand.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

7:48 PM

not worth it.

i would like to officially announce that it takes one hour to go to school from my house by public transport.
i know some people take longer, but still.
so like theres chinese lesson tomorrow. two hours.
but i decided not to go cause it's not worth it.(me and my nonsense)
because travel to and fro two hours,
lesson two hours.not worth it right?

but it's not like i will think it's worth it if lesson becomes like what 5h?
and i figured one lesson wouldnt really affect much lor.

see how much i care about chinese lessons?
thats why im explaining.
usually i dont bother.

if we renewing our lockers then we leave our padlocks on the locker right.
why nobody care whether
-how they going to open the lock
-what they going to do with the lock
-how they know if we cleared our stuffs if its locked?

(they have a master key)
major chong says they are going to RECYCLE our locks.
and we are going to get new padlocks.

i think its damn funny
because does it mean our locks will be mashed up(like mash potato)
and recycled into new locks?



心里有一股很深的遗憾, 嗨(haiz?), 没有人会明白的啦!

I blog but you don't have to understand.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

8:52 PM

i ♥ chinese!



i think im gonna blog in chinese from today onwards.
chinese words are powerful.
much stronger than english.
(thats because my english is bad)
(not like my chinese is good)

need to get myself back ALL OVER AGAIN.

I blog but you don't have to understand.

Friday, October 24, 2008

7:29 AM

wei shen me yu dao de dou shi guai guai de ren.
hen xian mu ta men.
ye xu zi ji zhen de bi bu shang ba.
shi jie zou de tai kuai.
you dian hun.

I blog but you don't have to understand.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

11:02 PM

happy happy
some stuffs are meant to be kept to yourselves.
because there is no point in telling people.
blogs only show the good side of lives.
quite good lah.
means human naturally want to think that life is good.
which is a good thing.
anyway i feel happy today.
HAHA. always.
you know you are talking to a best friend when you start talking about DEEP LIFE ISSUES.
Life is so lovely,
even though we will never get out of it alive.
sometimes because things dont happen all the time,
you get really excited about it happening once,
and maybe for the last time.
Lets enjoy all the chinese lessons man.
even though
abit tired
abit sian
jiang duo yi ci

I blog but you don't have to understand.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

6:00 PM

slack day!

im a little bit traumatized
by people who are so religious.
omg so scary.
it's not just today
previously all also.
Can't people see that we are the ones responsible for our lives?
Just take up that responsibility please.
I have a little dream.
To build up FreeThinkers Association!

Some other unimportant stuffs:
school was nonsensely life-wasting today.
go through paper without giving back our own papers.
it's so that we wont get distracted by our marks.
but end up nobody paying attention lor.
they expect us to just copy down all the answers like a robot.
so stupid man.

so in the end people just stone, stare, say yes and no blindly.
wonder who thought of the idea.
it's a stupid idea.

Just give us back our paper then go through lah. HAIYO!
But because no need/ dont want to pay attention,
then it gives us time for socialising and entertainment.

-talking about mean things with minyi rocked(as usual)
yes we are mean people.
we will eat you up.

-talking with yanru and minyi in hall was fun fun also.
because yanru is one of the cool people MUAHAHA.
She keep missing jokes. that part super funny.
Left side laugh, she turn there ask what happen,
then the joke ended. Right side laugh, she turn to right
then joke ended. LOL. In the end she play pokemon.
So funny. she play pokemon. HAHA.

-talking with cheryllim is super fun.
Because she will HA HA HA at me.

-girls talk with kelicia,huimin,kiuyan,minyi
was fun fun also!

- read cleo. then laughed at the magazine with cheryl and minyi.
junying turn around and say its funny we keep commenting on this and that.

- shafeeq say alot of jokes in class. but abit wasted cause bob is forever in asleep mode and junying never hear. haha. end up i hear. It's a pity to waste jokes man.

- MMC "Are you clear?"
Me "no we are opaque."
Its funny when we say YESSSS to her "do you understand?"
when the real answer is NO. HAHAHA.
just say for fun lor. quite fun.
Jerald was said to be an intelligent guy.
She never comment on me anymore. good good.
But she got alot of false impressions of me leh. sad.

- wanton mee in sch is really really nice.
and it's funnyshit to see the auntie take two piece of charsiew then put back one piece. take two piece put back one piece. HAHA!

so many things to laugh about in life can.
dont understand why people commit suicide.
Depressed people should come and talk to me.

I hope atmosphere in school on monday will not be too bad.
I hate it when give back results then everybody in the sad sad mood.
then the atmosphere sucks so much
that it's difficult to be happy.

If you are thinking what's the aim in life,
I tell you,
it's to be happy.
(yes yes i lead a happy life.)
MMC was saying to class
"you must prioritise. you shld know what you shld do during the holidays."
me "yes yes. holidays should go suntan."

Right byebye.

I blog but you don't have to understand.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

8:05 PM

SBS seats

you know the seats of the SBS trains
they look like cleavage.
omfg what was the designer thinking man??
cannot be so coincidence the colour like that right.

I blog but you don't have to understand.

Monday, October 13, 2008

9:58 PM

I don't like to get emotional.
esp when so many fun things are taking place.
and im having so much fun.
but then BY YUANFEN,
i chanced upon that.
and i realise i have to say something.
it's bad that the relationship now is that we cant even tell our real feelings face to face now.
it's like nothing really happened right?
yet so many things are going on inside.
i really dont like this.
because it's making things awkward and weird.
but anyway if you ever bothered to read or bothered to realise WOW SHE'S TALKIN ABT ME.
i think you will know. it's not like you are an idiot.
here it goes:

you can deny that you were talking about me
but really it's quite obvious because
1. i can count the number of years. it match.
2. friends. same class. it match
3. i can feel it. im not an idiot right.

i dont understand why you have to use such harsh words on me,
because i didnt do anything bad on you
it's just that something happened between us
so deep that we cant understand what's going on.

if you feel like friends are the people that you have to possess,
then tie a strap to them, put glue on them,
and stick them to you.
or you can masking tape their mouth so they cant ever talk to me.
i never have the intention of keeping them away from you right?
in fact i keep myself away when you ask them and they ask me.

after like knowing what u felt
abit sad.
but i know things can never go back the way before because.. i also dont know why.
maybe can, if we make an effort.
but we wont, so dont bother.
and if you're asking me to get my own life,
why not think that you also should get your own life hor?

what i see you as now
is also different from before.
am i going to expect you to change back to before?
no. because i know life changes,
and things doesnt work that way.
you cant expect people to suit the way you are right.
so what did u see me as?
i changed because you changed right.
im not blaming anything.
but how can you expect me to be same as before when you have changed so much.

if you are angry that you had to know me,
please dont be
because you dont really "know" me, alright.
I also didnt chose to meet you.
so dont blame that.

that's all.
we havent really got anything to say to each other, have we?

after reading this
you dont have do anything.
it takes too much to do something.
we cant afford it.
so just let it go.
no matter what
what we did already left footprints in my heart.

i guess we should keep things the way they are now.
maybe just give me a smile,
a sincere smile when you see me.

if you want to know what i feel about you,
i think you have changed alot. (just like you think i have)
you seem to only want to keep within your circle
and not bother of anything out of the circle.
so i try to keep out of your circle.
but i cant control if people in your circle comes out and join in my square right.

i dont like this post, its getting :(
and its too emotional.
but i have to say all this out.
it makes me feel better.
i have to let you know i care.
and yes i can feel things.

this is a wordy post.
i really hope you wld read it.
it's really really meant for you.
even though after you read nothing will really change still.
but i dont really need things to change luh.

dear humans,
please dont assume anything.

I blog but you don't have to understand.

1:13 AM

like a year ago?

hello im a plant and my leaves can photosynthesise.

I like Ochacha!


that was the first time i smacked a choc cake onto someone's face :D

I blog but you don't have to understand.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

1:05 PM

Everyone likes to take photo of themselves
because we are the lead characters of our lives
and we know we want good memories to kind of STAY.

There is a difference between
Liking something and admitting to liking something and telling people you like something.
(like you might not say out that you like something but actually deep inside(how deep?) you know you like something)

some people are just so bitch
that they have money to buy so many clothes
but no money to buy soft toys and camera
and act cute for guys to buy for them.

AngMoh AhBengs are funny.
angmoh ahbengs are not really angmoh.
they are just ENGLISHY.
like instead of SIAM they will say HEY MOVE.

i guess having someone to stand up for you
makes you feel good.

i secretly wish that computers, phones, all the technology will stop working one day.
the world will go mad.
it's just not about us blogging.
you know banks keep data in comp also?

I just wonder if a thousand years later,
there will be something like
we use satellites to send information
then it has caused the stars to kind of lose connection
and they are going to fall on earth
and because stars are actually so BIG
so humans are all going to be crashed by stars and die.

I stop to think if people deserve how they are treated
because somehow
they didnt want things that way.
quite sad
because sometimes we didnt chose things to be that way, right?
Sometimes i wonder if those people who have everything good will die earlier,
if they do
then life is like fair??
but i suppose life is unfair.
Smoking wont really kill you
because all the smokers are alive and kicking.
All those scary stuffs are to bluff you one.
one puff wont get u addicted.
it takes maybe A FEW puffs.
but anyway im AGAINST SMOKING.
just saying how unfair life is.

you know sometimes there are things that make your heart sink.
and jaw drop.
these are the two english phrases i dont find very exaggerated.

our future miss singapore TanMinYi
says that she will spilt her winnings with me and yanru
:) so lovely.

i really like happy people.
and open minded people.

I blog but you don't have to understand.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

4:29 PM

Not for the hungry!
pretty and yummy cakes which are very proportionate to me at SAKURA buffet!

chocolate mudpie and various desert from NewYork NewYork

Strawberry Hearts! Homemade(by tam) and Amazing!

colorful jellybeans! not for the emos.

nice sweets!

BLUE starburst lollipop!

Panda biscuit. Super cute and yummy.

Bread! with milo!(F for Fangxian! HAHA)

bread with eggy+mayonnaise! YUM.

Grilled Chicken! and icecream at Swensens!


Mini Pretzels! really small. Not nice one.
I buy because it looked very cute.
(and i cannot rmb what the big one is called.Aunt Anne or Aunt Annie's pretzels.)
Is Anne or Annie huh?

lovely kaya bread. fat fat good good.

Korean food from Su Korean cuisin at fareast. SUPER DELICIOUS AND GOOD ATTITUDE.

MiniSub from subway. SUPER TINY ONE. no wonder on the menu but nobody buy.
I bought because i wanted to see how small it was.

Mini chipsahoy! Ritzcheese biscuit! and oreo!
I love mini stuffs cause they look so cute.
And so porportionate.


PORK RIBS from NewYorkNewYork. not better than cafe cartel but still awesome :)

Beef lasagna from PizzaHut. I LOVE PIZZAHUT DRUMLETS.

Pastamania has CHEESSY stuffs!

salad and potato with beef chunks at NEWYORKNEWYORK

Yongtaufoo with cute stuffs.

Roasted PORKBALLS! extremely delicious. crispy on the outside! I ROAST ONE!


Xiaolongbao! from dingtaifung,asiankitchen and some place in bugis.
Cant remember which is which.
But Dingtaifung nicest.

DAN BAO FAN! i think it's amazing they wrap the rice so nicely in the egg.


super nice mutton briyani at Northpoint foodcourt. One can two person share one!
But if guys go eat then two person share one then look very gay very funny.
so maybe if guys want to share can TAKEAWAY! LOL

mix veg rice from vista! CHEAP AND GOOD!

colourful steamed cakes! I like.


Good Food makes me happy.
Since NEED to eat, might as well EAT GOOD.
of course EAT HEALTHY also.
I think food is the only thing that everybody can play a part in,
because everybody needs to eat.
SO food plays an impt role in helping people to bond.

I want to be a food reviewer!

I blog but you don't have to understand.


Hi, I'm FangXian
and I believe in
Mind over body, Heart over mind.

I ♥ happy people
Happy is a virtue :D
but life is not just abt being happy
it's about doing what you never thought you could.
This is just a space to share weird thoughts.

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