Tsk! The boy asked mummy, "When leaves fall down, do they get hurt?"
No. They won't get hurt, they will get frustrated. Because have the sound "tsk".
Credits to S.tan.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
12:11 AM
Life and luck. What keeps us going is when we know what we are now is not what we would like to remain as. That gives us the drive. Because we all knows fun can be funner, happy can be be happyer (i like to spell it like that, cannot ah?) I see no point in returning obvious intended overfriendliness, maybe not ignore totally, but I see no point in putting up a show just because the show will be a good show. Yeah cool like fuck. Muahaha.
There's always this thought stashed in the back of my mind wondering about when is the exact moment friendship is formed, or the close knittedness feel of the group, I think it's when you feel comfortable. Feeling comfortable is powerful, because you smile not just for the photo, but for the people, for the fun, for the love.
We are all like the sand in the hour glass. It's all about settling down.
Oh, once again, I must reinforce to myself that, LOOKS ARE DECEIVING! to the max. But it really cheered me up. It's all about expectations right. Now I feel even badder for judging people in the first place.
Okay, have a good week ahead. And hope I dont miss any shuttle buses on the three days I am taking them! (two days start in the afternoon, amazing or what?)
Can't wait for life to settle down again,
some people are really weird,
then I exhanged looks with him and we burst out laughing.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Friday, April 23, 2010
11:36 PM
If someone tells you his opinion about another, remember the one you should be judging is the person making the comment, not the one he is talking about.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
11:27 PM
I don't know what is awesome and cool anymore. Oh haha.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
8:30 PM
Fun can obviously change behaviour for the better. -thefuntheory.com
It is your choice that makes you. Life is about making choices. Very appropriate for me to say this sentence, whoohoo.
Everything in life is optional. Every minute, every second is a choice.
To be or not to be.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
8:21 PM
it's getting cold. the sky turns dark at 4pm and the rain falls.
on the train, i hear people.
in the same circumstance, what do we have to say?
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
12:37 PM
The scariest thing in life: is to do the craziest things in life, without anyone knowing.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Monday, April 12, 2010
10:42 PM
happiness is spelt happyness. mad happy now. because school is starting next week! (one of the reasons) of course no one gets enough of doing things at your own time, own target. Sleep till the cows come home. Enjoy till.. haha, but life has to go on.
Just want myself to remember. Before I earn big bucks, I can sacrifice sleep. Better make good my words. Actually this is a something I rmbed from Alex last time. haha. The difference between JC people and people who excel in poly, is that one is disciplined by others, the other is you discipline yourself. So sad, have to discipline myself (translate to chinese damn funny.)
Okay Im happy because, going for my first run on sunday, my target is.. erm to complete it without stopping. HAHA KUKU TO THE MAX. But, upon a scale of 100, how prepared I'm is only like, 55? Okay, just enjoy it lah, I'm sure the scenery will be good. Not talking about people ok, scenery. the sky! the trees! It's near the F1 pit area, i think. can see flyer, etc, i think. (just wondering what if it rains? hmms) anyway, can't wait to collect the runner's kit.
Next thing to be happy about is Speech day on friday. Can't wait to see people cry! HAHA whatthehell. Can't wait to see people who have settled down in their colleges. My school haven't start, BUT IT'S OKAY. HAHA. It's almost like seeing your kids get married, just that they are people of your age, ok they are actually your batch mates. I wanna meet the friends I like, but won't hang out with except during mass outings.. Everyone has such people in your lives right?
And another thing to be happy about is the timetable and class list is out. 1/4 of my class are people from my orientation group as well. HAHA because one quarter means 5 people (including myself) FUNNY TTM. and the guy who transferred from another top jc, same class as me! Just very amazed by how life works, so am quite excited about people who do weird things like me. but there is something else too, but hahaa, inappropriate to show my hobby here. yt knows. YAY And the girl I got to "know" online same class as well. Another thing is that I NEVER HAVE TO WAKE UP AT A BLOODY 5AM, 6AM ANYMORE, unless I want to. Timetable is damn adult, like I only have to wake up early for 3days :0 funny how I use adult as an adjective, nevermind, I only seek for personal understanding.
Okay, hope the happy spirit never dies. I think if lesser food get stuck in my braces, my happyness level will increase. Wtf, BYE :)
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
9:41 PM
Actually sometimes when I say I don't know, I actually know, it's just that I don't want to tell you.
Actually sometimes when I say I know, I actually am not very sure, but I have to make sure you think i'm sure.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
9:09 PM
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
1:15 AM
edu system. Am just wondering the usefulness/ unusefulness of single sex schools?
How come? RGS, RI direct to RJC NYGH, HChigh direct to HCJC
Really can concentrate better? (But apparently it just means that they have a really awesome psle score, as long as they dont fail badly, they keep their place to the respective jcs, from what i understand.)
Okay, i seriously cannot stand it to hear some people tell me they find it weird that they are seeing so many opposite sex walking around. it's like, they machiam live with aliens before that ah?? (i know i might offend people.)
Just now, a group of guys who look like I dont know, quite old already, and they were apparently, obviously, very paranoid abt who is having to sit next to me on the bus. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK SO OLD ALREADY SIT ON THE BUS WITH GIRL ALSO WILL SHY 0.0
Okay i sound like a bimbo talking like that.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
9:46 PM
Only yourself can define your quality of life. I love feeling happily excited. Its just this feeling little bubbles popping in your heart. Very beautiful bubbles.
Because you know satisfaction comes after the happy excitement.
happily excited means happily excited. there can be excitement existing in other forms as well. Another best feeling in life is probably this.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
8:25 PM
supernatural powers 1. be invisible 2. turn back time 3. fly
actually i dont see how any of these could help,
unless... 1. people dont notice your disappearance 2. you could change what you did, and people dont change what they did. 3. no one notices you?
so its like without "terms and conditions", it would be useless?
remember this guy? Thai express ceo, ex andersonian.
it seems like xinwang is under him too. wtf wtf.
kinda regret not listening to him talk last time. -.-
I blog but you don't have to understand.
4:44 PM
Best feeling you can feel in life: Feeling comfortable.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Friday, April 02, 2010
4:29 PM
keeping in mind Because there's alot to keep in mind, it seems easier if we just start doing them so they become a habit, a cycle, then we don't ever have to keep it in mind, because when we do it, it would seem so natural, so easily, done.
Very optimistic.
Keep it up.
Keep the optimism in mind.
Another slap own face thought again. Heh.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Hi, I'm FangXian
and I believe in
Mind over body, Heart over mind.
I ♥ happy people
Happy is a virtue :D
but life is not just abt being happy
it's about doing what you never thought you could.
This is just a space to share weird thoughts.