Each decison, each action is interlinked to create the sparks in your life. such that, sometimes, some things, once you missed it, it never comes back. and it leads on to affect the next event, the next part of everything perfect. Live the moment, for we say, but how many people live jumping up and down, whilst clearly aware of the the risk of falling down, down down down down? wtf.
How often you see the shadow of one in another person? You feel certain that if they met, they would be Wowed at how similar they are. But you know they would never know each other. It's pretty bad that whilst you are trying to escape from that kind, you find yourself ending up in another place with the same kind. Why escape? Everywhere, there is one type of that.
It takes such an insignificant time to dislike, but how long does it take to like? Pretty awesome. Like is never about compromising. Like means like, don't like means don't like. Don't try to be funny.
I hate to tell stories. I hate to hear people tell stories that aren't what really happened.
But it's alright. We are all story tellers, it really doesnt matter if you are good story teller or not, because what's important ultimately is what you felt, not what you tried to make others think you felt.
There is this little survey form in your heart, and you have already ticked No No No. That's great. Teehee. Some things, there just isn't space for any compromise.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Monday, May 24, 2010
2:29 AM
because no man is a one man island, so we need those media of transmission, to transmit information, contribute ideas and connect lives.
tire the muscles, feel the stretch, feel the ache, love the pain. and one day you are gonna be just like them.
Sometimes, you don't have to do things with reason.
I finally get why we have to pay more.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
10:40 PM
The things you do makes you? Faber's grandfather said that people missed you for the things you did. If it is so, then people must like you for the things you do. Then, what exactly is you? Because you is just a body that do the things you do.
If people liked you for the things you do, then what does liking you for who you are mean? And is there a possibility that people liked you but not the things you do? Then it would mean that people don't like the things you do, but still like you. Then would the like still be a real kind of like, or is it just there because of the inseparable bond that we didn't and couldn't choose in the first place.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Monday, May 17, 2010
11:31 PM
when things fall short of expectations, when time falls out of control, when sleep is so tempting, when giving in is so easy, when doing is more than saying, when challenging is more than accepting the challenge, when competition is so stiff, when what you used to glow over is no longer glowing,
You fight and You become tougher.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
10:48 PM
Because at any point of your life, it is very important to be learning something.
There are so many things in the world for you to pick what you like and devote your soul to it.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Saturday, May 08, 2010
12:58 AM
Overwhelming with fun and happy things gets you tired, just as overwhelming yourself with depressing work gets you tired as well. The difference is between being happily tired or not.
There are some things in life you cannot afford to screw up, and the period of time before that is madness because of stressxsxs (FUCK STRESS!) And its your fear that you fear the most. gosh.
There are lots of very good material, but you are one of them too. Please do not allow yourself to convince yourself otherwise.
Tripping at the pebbles doesnt mean you cant climb over the rock!!!
It's good to do some stuffs and realise, hey, i'm meant for this.
Quite apparently, I'm abandoning this space, in pursuit of life happyness.
what matters is What makes you happy matters.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
2:06 PM
I wish I could say ME TOO.
The same situation happening over there, and over here. But the difference is you say it out. But over here,
I don't.
And that is a whole world of difference.
I blog but you don't have to understand.
Hi, I'm FangXian
and I believe in
Mind over body, Heart over mind.
I ♥ happy people
Happy is a virtue :D
but life is not just abt being happy
it's about doing what you never thought you could.
This is just a space to share weird thoughts.